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Regulation no. 17/2024 on the internal organization and systematization of the job places of the Ministry of Local Government Administration applies to the Ministry of Local Government Administration.

Duties and responsibilities of the Ministry of Local Government Administration are set out in the “9” Annex of Government Regulation no. 14/2023 on the Areas of Administrative Responsibility of the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministries and the relevant legislation in force.

The Ministry of Local Government Administration (hereinafter: MLGA) shall have the following responsibilities:

1.Prepares public policies and legislation in the area of efficient municipal self-government and for promoting participation of citizens in the decision-making process at the local level, and implements them;

2.Promotes and affirms the right of local self-government bodies in accordance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government;

3. Coordinates and promotes the development of local government reform;

4.Coordinates and supports inter-municipal and cross-border cooperation;

5.Oversees the quality of municipal services; 6.Identifies and develops programs for institutional capacity building of local selfgovernment bodies;

7.Promotes and develops the transparency of the local self-government bodies;

8.Provides legal advice and guidance to municipalities; 9.Coordinates the activities of international agencies and non-governmental organizations concerning the municipalities, including the coordination of the European Agenda for municipalities;

10. Assesses the legality of acts of municipal bodies in cooperation with the relevant ministries;

11.Monitors and supervises municipalities during the discharge of their responsibilities and competencies in coordination with the relevant ministries;

12.Contributes to the respect and promotion of human rights by the bodies of local selfgovernment;

13.Performs other duties assigned to the Ministry according to the relevant legislation in force.

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