1. 1.The Department of European Integration and Policy Coordination shall have the following duties:
1.1. Offer assistance and advice in establishing and deciding given ministry’s priorities taking into account obligations stemming from the European integration process;
1.2. Coordinate work in developing key strategic documents drafted by given ministry’s structures, and ensure that such documents are in compliance with Government’s policy and also ensuring their mutual consistency;
1.3.Ensure consistency between policies, plans and strategies and the EU standards;
1.4.Ensure the development of an interactive system which will facilitate coordination between the process of developing policies and plans and the process of budgetary planning in given ministry, particularly by means of compiling strategic budgetary statements;
1.5.Coordinate efforts in securing contributions for development of the European Partnership Action Plan (EPAP) and annual work plans, and ensure their compliance with the Medium Term Expenditure Framework and other strategic documents;
1.6.Monitor implementation of the EPAP and annual work plans and report thereon to competent institutions, including in particular the PMO and the MEI;
1.7.Manage the coordination of IPAfunded assistance and external bilateral and multilateral assistance;
1.8.Ensure that external assistance is
related and contributes to implementing plans and priorities of the Government and its ministries, and is associated with the budget planning process in given ministry;
1.9.Offer assistance to departments and other structures in given ministry from the aspect of methodological support for the project preparing and managing;
1.10. Offer assistance to legal departments in the context of including EU policies in the national legislation in the course of their harmonization with the Acquis, and ensure that laws required under the EPAP are included in the legislative strategy of the Government;
1.11. Cooperate with and assist the work of the human resources office in given ministry in order to enhance capacities of the staff concerning issues related to European integration;
1.12. Cooperate with and assist the work
of the communication office in a given ministry concerning communication and information issues related with European integration;
1.13. Assist in monitoring and reporting
on implementation of the institutional development plan in given ministry, as well as in other activities within the Institutional reform in given ministry;
1.14.Department is responsible to organize, chair and/or take part in regular meetings within the Stabilization and Association Process, or in inter-ministerial meetings, or in meetings with donor organizations and other important stakeholders;
1.15.Perform any other tasks as requested from it by a permanent secretary that are related to the overall
tasks and responsibilities of the Department.
2. The Head of the Department of European Integration and Policy Coordination shall report to the General Secretary of the MLGA.
3. The Department shall be consisted of the following divisions:
3.1. Division of European Integration;
3.2 Division for Policy Coordination.
4. The Department of European Integration and Policy Coordination shall have ten (10) employees.
Contact Person:
Contact details:
DËFRIM GASHI – Head of Department
E-mail. Defrim.gashi@rks-gov.net
Address: Ex Rilindja
building Floors: 11, 12 and 13 Pristina, Republic of Kosovo
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