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Local Government Consultative Forum

Local Government Consultative Forum


The Local Government Consultative Forum (hereinafter: the Forum) is a joint consultative mechanism established by the Ministry of Local Government (MLG) and several civil society organizations that focus on local government in Kosovo for the year 2019.

The Forum is established to discuss developments, topics, projects and ideas about local government in Kosovo in order to promote, contribute and advocate together in the further development of local self-government. The topics discussed are proposed by the forum members and they get the consent of the forum in advance to be discussed in other meetings.

As a rule, the Forum holds two meetings a year, but other meetings can be scheduled on the proposal of its members. The Forum may also decide to invite other stakeholders to the discussion which may be of interest to the Forum’s work. Membership in the Forum is voluntary and other organizations working in local government can attend meetings or become members.

The work of the Forum is coordinated by the MLG, respectively by the Department for European Integration and Policy Coordination (DEIPC). Forum meetings are chaired by a member of one of the participating organizations as proposed by the Forum. Forum meetings are arranged by DEIPC according to the agenda coordinated in the previous meeting and the discussions and conclusions of the meeting are summarized by a DEIPC Official in the form of minutes.

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