Innovation, digitization of municipal services, the concept of ‘smart cities’ and support for the Republic of Kosovo in important processes are the topics that were discussed in the joint meeting between Minister Krasniqi and the Secretary of Norway, Gunn Karin Gjul, who is charge for digitization at the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government.
As the part of the European regional meeting of the OGP, Minister Krasniqi has also met the Secretary of Norway, Gunn Karin Gjul, after thanking her for Norway’s support to Kosovo, he informed her about Government and MLGA decisions, actions and initiatives, in the framework of advancing the agenda for membership in the Open Government Partnership – OGP.
On the other hand, Secretary Gunn Karin Gjul, who is in charge of digitization in the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government has expressed her willingness to continue cooperation and has shared some of Norway’s experiences in the field of local economic development, innovation and digitalization.