At the invitation of the President of the European Organization of Great Cities, Mr.Giorgio Prister, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Local Government Administration, Mr. Besnik Osmani, is taking part in the Annual Conference "Major Cities of Europe", which is being held in Zurich, Switzerland. 06 june 2014
At the invitation of the President of the European Organization of Great Cities, Mr.Giorgio Prister, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Local Government Administration, Mr. Besnik Osmani, is taking part in the Annual Conference "Major Cities of Europe", which is being held in Zurich, Switzerland. Tema e kësaj konference është Menaxhimi i Qyteteve Komplekse në Botën Digjitale ku po prezantohen The subject of this conference is Managment of complex Cities at the digital world, where are being presented actual experiences of different European cities in management of challenges during their transformations in the context of the role increased of information technology in the modernization of public services to citizens. The focus of the conference is the role of policy development and finding ways for involvement of citizens in planning and decision-making processes, regarding all issues that have direct impact on their quality of life.
On this occasion Mr. Osman had the opportunity to meet with representatives of the cities of Zurich, Hamburg, Barcelona, Zagreb, Tel Aviv, Vienna and other stakeholders, who are participating in this conference, where experiences are exchanged and where the willingness of partners to help Kosovo institutions in advancing local governance system is confirmed once again. The agreement is achieved that together with UN-HABITAT in Kosovo, the applied methods in some of these cities be presented to representatives of central and local level in Kosovo, in a special event , with opportunity of application in practise as a pilot project, in some municipalities.