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A bilateral meeting is held between Kosovo and Montenegro for cross-border cooperation

Yesterday in Pristina, a bilateral meeting was held between representatives of the Ministry of Local Government Administration of the Republic of Kosovo, the Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro, the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro (CFCU) and representatives of the Joint Technical Secretariat within the IPA II Program for Cross-Border Cooperation Montenegro – Kosovo.

Since the IPA II program for Cross-Border Cooperation Montenegro – Kosovo is moving towards the finalization of the implementation, the two delegations discussed about the final Conference that will be held in Pristina on March 29, 2024 with the presence of the two ministers responsible for this program from Kosovo and Montenegro and representatives of the European Union as donors of the program, mayors of municipalities from the program area, beneficiaries of the project, the media, etc.

In April this year, the implementation of the new IPA III program begins, thus within the framework of the IPA III cross-border cooperation program Montenegro – Kosovo 2021-2027, 7.5 million euros are available for projects from Topic Area 1: Improving opportunities of employment and social rights; and Thematic Area 4: Improving the business environment and competitiveness.

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