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“Citizens of the north of Mitrovica are hostage of the non right policy; they deserve a better life and need support and security “- said Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Petrovic

18  October 2011, Washington

On the agenda of official meetings in the USA, Deputy Prime Minister Petrovic, today is met with Ambassador Philip Reeker, Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs in Washington.

The process of decentralization, the situation in north of Mitrovica as well as the need for the rule of order and security were the main topics that were discussed between Deputy Prime Minister, Petrovic and Ambassador, Philip Reeker.

“Kosovo has marked progress in many fields, one of the most important is the process of decentralization and the creation of new municipalities, but the need of implementation of the decentralization process in the North of Mitrovica, is necessary” – said today Deputy Prime Minister Petrovic during the meeting with Ambassador Philip Reeker.

“Kosovo has marked progress in many fields, one of the most important is the process of decentralization and the creation of new municipalities, but the need of implementation of the decentralization process in the North of Mitrovica, is necessary” – said today, Deputy Prime Minister Petrovic during the meeting with Ambassador Philip Reeker.

“Citizens of the north of Mitrovica are hostage of the non right policy; they deserve a better life and need support and security, “- said Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Petrovic.

Whereas, Ambassador Philip Reeker said the United States are attending with great attention all developments in Kosovo and that the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia has a crucial role in building of political stability.

Tomorrow, Deputy Prime Minister Petrovic will meet with Mr. Rick Holtzapple, Director for Central and Eastern Europe, in National Security Council of the White House.

Tomorrow, Mr. Petrovic will hold a lecture at Arkadia University in Philadelphia and will travel to Washington to meet with senior officials of Washington.

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