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Conclusions of the Conference “Second Annual International Conference on Local Self-Government”

Conclusions of the Conference
Prishtinë, 5-6 September 2011
The participating states of the Second Annual International Conference on Local Self-Government, signatory parties to this common statement,
Taking into consideration local self-government developments and trends in the region and beyond,
Considering that cooperation in administrative spheres represent one of the methods for the accomplishment of common objectives, namely the improvement of citizen welfare;

Conclusions of the Conference

Prishtinë, 5-6 September 2011


The participating states of the Second Annual International Conference on Local Self-Government, signatory parties to this common statement,

Taking into consideration local self-government developments and trends in the region and beyond,

Considering that cooperation in administrative spheres represent one of the methods for the accomplishment of common objectives, namely the improvement of citizen welfare;

Reiterating that local elected authorities, regional authorities and their administration represent one of the main pillars of democratic systems and that the right of citizens to take part in public endeavours represents a basic value;

Have agreed on the following:

1. The international conference on local self-government will be organized on annual basis and will be attended by countries of the region and beyond.

2. Participating delegations undertake to provide their contribution each year, through their participation and presentations, in order for the conference to serve as a forum for common discussion on local self-government modernization opportunities and challenges.

3. The regular annual Conference will be preceded by bilateral meetings and visits of senior political dignitaries of participating states, and by the establishment of an interim Conference Organization Committee, which will consist of representatives of all countries of the region.

4. States participating at the conference pledge their commitment to guide the functioning of local authorities in accordance with the principles of the European Charter on Local Self-Government.

5. Participating states undertake to stimulate inter-municipal and cross-boundary cooperation among the countries of the region.

6. Participating states consider that qualitative development of local self-government represents a good opportunity to address and accommodate eventual initiatives presented by minority communities; and to stimulate and enhance their active participation in decision-making processes on matters related to their quality of living.

7. Participating states shall establish expert groups to exchange experiences and discuss on matters pertaining to: (a) legal reform, (b) consolidation of public services, (c) electronic governance, (d) advancement of the local fiscal reform, (e) advancement of good governance and public participation in local public undertakings, and (f) cross-regional and cross-boundary cooperation.

While acknowledging their contribution to date, the delegations of participating states extend their invitation to the donor community, local elected officials and civil society to actively take part and contribute to the common activities at the regional level towards the establishment of a system for the implementation of qualitative and sustainable regional cooperation initiatives.

Being hosted by the Republic of Kosovo, participating states express their special gratitude to the Kosovo Ministry of Local Government Administration for its initiative and for the organization of this Conference, which provided for acquaintance with and exchange of experiences among regional local self-government institutions and organizations.

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