Ministry of Local Government Administration in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo has organized a workshop for municipality officers of information of the Republic of Kosovo on the topic: " Transparency in Local Government" with the purpose of discussing and presenting data in transparency field in municipalities.
13 October 2017, Pristina
Ministry of Local Government Administration in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo has organized a workshop for municipality officers of information of the Republic of Kosovo on the topic: " Transparency in Local Government" with the purpose of discussing and presenting data in transparency field in municipalities.
The workshop was opened by Mrs. Venera Kosumi, U.D Head of Department for Municipal Performance and Transparency, which highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability as the main key to democracy at the local level.
During the development of the works, Mrs. Nazmije Krasniqi, Head of the Division for Municipal Transparency, presented the data from the monitoring process of municipal official websites for the period January to June 2017, focusing in particular on the publication of sub-legal acts, the municipal budget publication, action plan on transparency, and the Regulation on Transparency for 2017.
Also, the topic of discussion was re-design of the new web sites of municipalities and the data transfer process from the old to the new web site, for which it was given a recommendation to review this issue at a meeting of the collegium of the information officers.
Në përmbyllje të punëtorisë, u konfirmua mbështetja e MAPL-së për fuqizimin e zyrave të informimit në komuna edhe përmes hartimit të draft Koncept Dokumentit për Shërbimin e Komunikimit Qeveritar me Publikun, dokument i cili do të përcaktoj dhe rregulloj këtë fushë të komunikimit publik.